Salicylic acid, which can also go by the name BHA, performs the task of exfoliating deeply within the pores. Because of its oil-soluble qualities, BHA has the ability to disrupt the lipid connections that are present between the keratinocytes, which in turn helps to reduce the clogging of skin that is prone to keratosis.
As a result of this, benzoyl peroxide (BHA) is regarded as an essential component in the management of acne-related conditions such as inflammatory acne, blackheads, and concealed acne.
Niacinamide is known as a "multifunctional component" due to its capacity to assist oil control, act as an anti-inflammatory, restore the skin barrier, stimulate the production of collagen in the skin, and most notably, block the enzyme tyrosinase and limit the creation of melanin.
Niacinamide acts as a powerful anti-inflammatory agent for acne-prone skin, and it does so by inhibiting inflammatory mediators. Niacinamide treatments are recommended for acne-prone skin.
The use of niacinamide in conjunction with benzoyl peroxide (BHA) is likely to result in significant improvements in acne-related skin conditions. These improvements include a reduction in the amount of oil produced by the skin, the elimination of discoloration caused by acne, and a reduction in the likelihood of a recurrence.
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